Greens Say Australia Should Accept 20,000 Rohingya Refugees. Credit – Australian Parliament House via Storyful
Australian Greens Senator Nick McKim has called for Australia 11 to provide up to 20,000 places for Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in Myanmar. On Saturday, September 9, Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop said Australia would be contributing $5 million to help agencies like the UNHCR provide food and shelter for refugees. In a motion delivered by McKim in the senate on Monday, September 11, he said: “Australia must announce an extra humanitarian intake for the Rohingyan people. It should be 20,000, which is what the Australian Greens called for after the Syrian crisis. As the welcoming, compassionate people that we are, we should accept those people into our country and put them on a pathway to protection, permanent residency and citizenship.” Credit: Australian Parliament House via Storyful